Sprite 1984 - 1993
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380 lines
# mxedit.tk --
# This script constructs and editor based on the mxedit widget.
# This script is sourced by the "mxopen" TCL command that creates
# a new window (and new interpreter context) in which to edit a file.
# As such, it is re-read each time you create a new window.
# A raw mxedit is just a window that you can edit a file in.
# To be useful, it needs associated scrollbars, menus, command entry
# fields, and a feedback mechanism. This scripts adds those features.
# Copyright (c) 1992 Xerox Corporation.
# Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
# upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
# derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export
# control laws. This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation
# makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to
# any specification.
# Exported Globals
# file - the name of the file being edited
# mxedit - the name of the mxedit widget (defined in mxScroll)
# logFeedback - 1 to cause feedback to go to stderr, 0 to stop it
# Imported Globals
# mxversion - the version number of the mxedit implementation
# lines - the number of lines in the file
# File Globals
# mxFeedbackEntry - the identity of the feedback entry
# tkerror --
# This is the handler for background errors that arise
# from commands bound to keystrokes and menus. A
# toplevel message widget is used to display $errorInfo
proc tkerror { msg } {
global errorInfo
global paleBackground
global mxedit
if { ! [info exists mxedit] } {
puts stderr $msg
if [info exists paleBackground] {
set background $paleBackground
} else {
set background white
set base ".errorInfo"
set title "Error Info"
set savedErrorInfo $errorInfo
# Create a toplevel to contain the error trace back
if [catch {
# Choose a unique name by testing for the associated error variable
# Use the string ".errorInfo-N" as the name of the toplevel
# and as the name of a variable holding the current errorInfo
for {set x 1} {$x<10} {set x [expr $x+1]} {
global $base-$x
if {! [info exists $base-$x]} {
global $base-$x ; set $base-$x $errorInfo
set title $title-$x
set name $base-$x
toplevel $name -background $background
wm title $name $title
buttonFrame $name
packedButton $name.buttons .quit "Dismiss" "destroy $name" left
message $name.msg -aspect 300 -font fixed \
-text $errorInfo -background $paleBackground
pack append $name $name.msg {top expand}
} oops] {
set msg [concat $msg "($name: " $oops ")" ]
if [catch "mxFeedback \{tkerror: $msg\}"] {
puts stderr "tkrror: $msg"
puts stderr "*** TCL Trace ***"
puts stderr $savedErrorInfo
# mxLibrary --
# Try to find the TCL library directory that has all the scripts.
proc mxLibrary { } {
global env
if [file isdirectory [info library]] {
return [info library]
if [info exists env(TCL_LIB)] {
return $env(TCL_LIB)
global _lib_warn
if {! [info exists _lib_warn]} {
puts stderr "mxLibrary: falling back to \".\""
set _lib_warn {}
return "."
# Suck in a bunch of utility procs
# init.tcl - base stuff for auto_load
# tk.tcl - base stuff for tk
# utils.tk define embellished standard TK widgets
# colors.tk defines sets of complementary colors
# mxedit.utils defines basic editing commands
# mxedit.command defines the command entry
# mxedit.search defines the search/replace entries
# mxedit.bindings defines keystroke bindings and menu acccelerators
# mxedit.menus defines menus
# mxedit.local is for site-specific customizations
foreach filename { init.tcl tk.tcl
utils.tk colors.tk
mxedit.utils mxedit.command mxedit.search
mxedit.bindings mxedit.menus } {
if [catch "source [mxLibrary]/$filename" msg] {
tkerror "source [mxLibrary]/$filename: $msg"
# Turn off auto_exec
global auto_noexec ; set auto_noexec {}
# mxinit --
# This is called from the "mxopen" implementation to initialize the editor
# This assumes there is a top-level main window called "."
# This fills out "." for the first file on the command line
# and then calls mxopen to open a new window on the other files.
# mxopen creates a new window and calls back to mxinit.
proc mxinit { font geometry args } {
global argv
set self "."
set haveOneWindow 0
foreach file [lrange $args 0 end] {
if { ! $haveOneWindow} {
if [catch {mxsetup $self $file $geometry $font} msg] {
tkerror "mxsetup \"$file\" failed: $msg"
} else {
set haveOneWindow 1
} else {
# mxopen is a call back into the application that
# will ultimately come back here via recursion
if [catch {mxopen $file -geometry $geometry -font $font} msg] {
tkerror "mxopen \"$file\" failed: $msg"
if { ! $haveOneWindow } {
if [catch {mxsetup $self [mxLibrary]/mxedit.tutorial \
$geometry $font} msg] {
tkerror "mxsetup \"tutorial\" failed: $msg"
# mxsetup --
# Populate a frame (or toplevel) with an editor widget, scrollbar, etc
# parent is the parent widget (a frame or toplevel)
# filename is what you're editting
# geometry is something like 80x20
# font is an X font name
proc mxsetup { parent filename {geometry 80x20} {font fixed} } {
global mxversion
global lines
global file
global mxedit
#puts stderr [list mxsetup $filename $geometry $font]
# Command entry
if [catch {mxCommandEntry $parent 20 {bottom fillx}} msg] {
tkerror "mxCommandEntry failed: $msg"
# Feedback entry
if [catch {pack append $parent [mxFeedbackSetup $parent .feedback 20 2] \
{bottom fillx}} msg] {
tkerror "mxFeedbackSetup failed: $msg"
# Menus
if [catch {
pack append $parent [mxMenuSetup $parent] {top fillx}
} msg] {
tkerror "Menu setup failed: $msg"
# The main editting window coupled with a scrollbar and feedback line
# It's name will be saved in the mxedit global variable
pack append $parent \
[mxScroll $parent $filename mxFeedback $geometry $font] \
{bottom fillx filly expand}
# Save file name in global variable. The mxedit implementation
# does this for us, except it doesn't do scratch files right.
# The mxopen implementation keeps a count of scratch windows
# in order to generate unique interpreter names, so we leverage off that.
if {[llength $filename] == 0} {
global interpName
set file [lindex [set interpName] 1]
mxFeedback "Mxedit $mxversion, $file"
} else {
set file $filename
mxFeedback "Mxedit $mxversion, editing \"$file\": $lines lines"
# Name the window, computing a shortened name for the icon
mxNameWindow . $file
# Now that all the decorations have been built up,
# tell the window manager about a gridded window
# The widthChars (baseWidth) and heightLines (baseHeight)
# must agree with what was passed to mxedit. In turn, the mxedit
# widget tells us about the gridsize based on font metrics
scan $geometry "%dx%d" widthChars heightLines
if [catch "wm grid . $widthChars $heightLines [$mxedit gridsize]" msg] {
tkerror "wm grid failed: $msg"
} else {
wm geometry . $geometry
# Finally, do per-user and per-site customization
foreach filename " [mxLibrary]/mxedit.local ~/.mxedit " {
if [file exists $filename] {
if [catch "source $filename" msg] {
puts stderr "source ${filename}: $msg"
# mxNameWindow --
# Compute a window name and icon name based on the file name
# The title is the filename. The iconname is the last component
# of the filename. If the file is dirty, a "!" is appended to both.
proc mxNameWindow { window filename } {
global mxedit
set title $filename
set sindex [string last "/" $filename]
if {$sindex > 0} {
set iconname [concat "..." [string range "$filename" $sindex end]]
} else {
set iconname "$filename"
if { ! [catch {set mxedit}] } {
# mxedit is defined so we can ask it if the file is modified
if [catch "$mxedit written allWindows"] {
set title [concat $title " !"]
set iconname [concat $iconname " !"]
wm title $window $title
wm iconname $window $iconname
# mxWindowNameFix --
# Update the window and icon name based on global file variable
proc mxWindowNameFix { } {
global file
mxNameWindow . $file
# mxFeedbackSetup --
# Create an entry widget that is used for feedback
# Create a frame to hold messages, and define a procedure to display them.
proc mxFeedbackSetup { parent name {width 58} {border 6} } {
global backgroundColor paleBackground foregroundColor
global entryFont
global mxFeedbackEntry mxFeedback
set self [selfName $parent $name]
frame $self -borderwidth 2 -background $backgroundColor -relief raised
# Reverse video the feedback window so it stands apart
entry $self.entry -width $width -relief flat \
-font $entryFont \
-background $backgroundColor -foreground white \
-selectforeground black -selectbackground $paleBackground
pack append $self $self.entry {left fillx expand}
pack append $parent $self {left fillx expand}
bindEntry $self.entry
# Remember the name of the entry widget for later feedback
set mxFeedbackEntry $self.entry
# Remember the name of the frame so the command window
# can be packed and unpacked
set mxFeedback $self
return $self
# mxFeedback --
# Display a message for the user
global logFeedback
if [catch "set logFeedback"] {
set logFeedback 0
global FN ; set FN 0
proc mxFeedback { text } {
global mxFeedbackEntry
global FN logFeedback
$mxFeedbackEntry delete 0 end
$mxFeedbackEntry insert 0 "$text"
if { $logFeedback } {
set FN [expr {$FN+1}]
puts stderr "$FN: $text"
return "$text"
# mxScroll --
# Compose an mxedit and a scrollbar
proc mxScroll { parent file feedback geometry font } {
global mxedit
global paleBackground
# Frame to hold mxedit and scrollbar
set self [selfName $parent .mx]
frame $self -background $paleBackground
# Define a scrollbar and pack it to the left of the mxedit widget
# (Packing to the right leads to clipping problems when things are resized)
if [catch { basicScrollbar $self [list $self.edit view] \
{right filly frame e}} msg] {
tkerror "basicScrollbar failed: $msg"
# Define the main editting window
mxedit $self.edit -file $file -scroll $self.scroll \
-bg white -fg black -selector black \
-feedback $feedback -geometry $geometry -font $font
# Remember the name of the mxedit widget so that routines
# in mxedit.utils can easily access it
set mxedit $self.edit
pack append $self $mxedit {right expand fill frame w}
# Set up keystroke bindings.
if [catch "mxBindings $mxedit" msg] {
tkerror "mxBindings failed: $msg"
# Turn on history for redo
if [catch "$mxedit history on" msg] {
tkerror "$mxedit history on failed: $msg"
return $self
# mxeditFocus --
# Move focus to the editing window
proc mxeditFocus {} {
global mxedit
focus $mxedit